Kiss is back and working in their new album expected to come out in 2010, also their is a tour expected this is what Paul Stanley had to say about it "We're about two weeks from the album being completed — the first album in ten years. It's very much a vintage, classic-sounding album, right back to our roots. We are really thrilled with it, and you will be, too. And that will be followed by a classic KISS tour — flying around the stage, blowing stuff up; all the stuff you want to see. When you are paying hard-earned money for a ticket, you should know where that money is going. And when you come to see us, it's like seeing Superman at the circus."
They have officially been signed up for two one time concerts one at Summerfest 2009 in Milwaukee and at California's Mid-State Fair.
Ticket prices for the shows will be around $67 for general admission, $52 for lower bowl and $42 for nose bleeds.By partnering withEventful, the leading social media company for events, fans will "Demand" where KISS will perform on their latest trek across the top-voted North American markets beginning this September. No matter where the fans say — from stadiums to cornfields — if there are enough votes, KISS will be there! And in order to keep the competition fair for smaller cities, final site selection will weigh population size versus total votes. Fans across the U.S. and Canada can cast their votes at www.eventful.com/KISS to have their town included on the KISS 2009 North American tour.
So what do you think, is Kiss coming back for real or are they going to turn out to be sell outs like AC/DC and Metallica?