Lamb Of God has decided to work on their fifth record since "Sacrament" which reached number 9 on the Top Record List and was nominated for a Grammy, this took place during their Gigantour with Megadeth. i've been listening to a couple ddemo songs and the record seems to have some potential but i completely doubt that they will ever reach the high point where they were before back in 2006. Drummer Chris Adler said "This album is going to surprise a lot of people. Typically bands that get to where we are in our career begin to slack off, smell the roses and regurgitate. We chose a different path. No one wants to hear another band member hyping a new record. ‘Wrath’ needs no hype. We have topped ourselves and on February 24 you will feel it." During an interview.
You can listen to one of the new songs here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZvBFI-w2Bs
I wanna hear you guy's opinion.
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